Help, I have a snake


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 5, 2013
I went out to the coop last night around 9 to check on my 4.5 week old chicks and they were huddled in a corner. I moved them to their nest but only counted five, should be six. I started looking around with the flashlight and found my chick in the clutches of a snake. The chick was dead and it looked like the snake was trying to eat it. I got a shovel and killed the snake it was about four feet long and looking it up I think it was a Central Texas Whip snake. My neighbor called it a
chicken snake. I moved the chicks back to the brooder in the garage and now worry when and if I can move them back to the coop. It obviously is not snake proof. Any suggestions? When do chicks start to roost? Mine seem to just huddle together.
I don't think sleeping on a roost would keep them safe from snakes, unfortunately. 1/4" hardware cloth will keep a snake of any size out, though I even had a small chicken snake get through it once to take a chick of less than a week. The evidence was in the coop because the snake couldn't get back outside.

At 4.5 weeks I think my chicks have all slept huddled together. I've never trained any to roost. I guess they have started roosting around 10 weeks or so.
a roost won't help. you can try to make the coop snake proof just remember they can get in even a tiny crack under the door. I would keep the chicks in the garage till they are atleast 2-3 months old if they are large fowl. if they are bantams they will have to be at least 4 months.
Keep in mind that if a snakes head can get through, the rest will follow. If the snake even THINKS it may be able to eat it, it will try. Even bigger chicks are at risk. This may result in it grabbing a chick swallowing part way, normally the head and neck, until it realizes it can't finish at the widest point and grabbing a different one and trying multiple times. I lost several birds like this once. Snakes are smart enough to get in, but not smart enough to know that if this one is too big then that one the same size is too big.
Here's what you do.... I promise it will work. Go to a garden supply or go online and it's called snake repellent powder it's a little pricey but it keeps them away because it's mostly made of clove oil. I live in north Florida I go to this every year snakes eat everything in my coupe the eggs the chickens the babies everything awful. We have a hardware store called ace and I usually can buy it right off the shelf there. It works
Hurry he will be back!!
Thanks for all the help. I will go to feed store and ask about snake repellant.
You can go the repellant route or if you want a cheaper route get some old nylon stockings cut them up tie one end off fill the other end with mothballs tie it up and place these little stinky mothball sachets around the coop area if the chicks are in a run place outside the run under the coop. The smell will keep them(snakes) away I learned this from my dad who learned it from an old farmer. I use this technique and it keeps the snakes and spiders away. My dad says it is because of the stench the mothball gives off.
I think I'll try the moth balls just in case, I hate snakes
How do moth balls handle getting wet?

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