HELP! I have two chickens with of paralysis. Mareks?


Mar 7, 2017
Hello, Yesterday I noticed that one of my hens couldn't move her legs properly. The weather has been very hot (around 100 Degrees) , so I assumed that she was just dehydrated. Today I walked in the coop and found another chicken with very slight issues with standing normal. I did some research regarding these symptoms and read that merek's has similar effects to these birds. I read that the disease is both very contagious and fatal and now I am starting to freak out. I also have larger ants in my yard if that may be a factor. I love my birds and I would be devastated to lose any more . Please give me advise. Thank you.
First of all, I would cool their legs off in cool water, and get them drinking water with electrolytes. Poultry NutriDrench, a few drops orally, or electrolytes in the water would be good to use. Then see if the symptoms continue. So many things can cause leg weakness. Let us know how this is in the morning after giving fluids, and cooling them down.
First of all, I would cool their legs off in cool water, and get them drinking water with electrolytes. Poultry NutriDrench, a few drops orally, or electrolytes in the water would be good to use. Then see if the symptoms continue. So many things can cause leg weakness. Let us know how this is in the morning after giving fluids, and cooling them down.
So far there is no change, I will continue to monitor.
Is she lying down or sitting? Can she stand at all? Is there any improvement? Chicken slings can be helpful to get chickens upright, and in front of food and water. Once she takes some fluids and get rehydrated, I would offer wet feed and some cooked egg. Here is some info on Mareks disease:

Here are some pictures of chicken slings and chairs in post 5:

Chicken sling
Hello Eggsessive, we sadly lost one of the two affected hens yesterday. The most likely cause of death was probably heat exhaustion. I went to check on her in the morning and found that she was in a shady spot. I was a fool and didn't consider taking her into a place with all day shade and decided to check on her in the next hour and due to the movement of the sun and her lack of mobility, she perished :hit. The other one is starting to have trouble standing. I am pretty convinced that this paralysis is being caused by the giant ants in my yard because these two chickens were one of the few that were vaccinated. These ants are everywhere and I do not know how to deal with them. Thank you for your advise, I will try to make this chicken slinger.
Sorry for your loss. Don’t beat yourself up. Are you seeing any ant bites on the surviving hen? Permethrin spray may help with ants, and it is safe for chickens. I would make sure they have electrolytes and vitamins in the water or give some Poultry NutriDrench.

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