Help! I put sand in the coop, and they don't like it.

Definitely put it in your composter! Start saving leaves so that you can add some when you need to. Chicken poop is GOLD for the garden, although it needs to age some before using on the veggie bed. I'm leaving mine to age for a year, but we get very cold winters where all the composting action stops for many months.

Thanks! That's very helpful!
chicken poop is great for composting, and it will work very well if you add in wood chips to your compost materials list. If you have a compost tumbler it will help break down the super high Nitrogen to make black gold (compost) in 14 days to 20 days. Chicken manure will allow you to use far more "browns" than greens and still make a good hot compost.
My poop goes in the tumbler, works fine as long as you add enough other material, makes great compost. Several years ago I enlarged my open, fenced area for my chickens. There was still a 'fence line' in the grass where the fence had stood previously. None of the birds would cross the line in the grass even when I threw seeds and grapes on the new part. I had to go out and physically put them across the line. Once about half of them were there, the others got brave enough to go. So no, they do not like change!

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