First a bit of background so no one will have to ask. We have 6 hens just past 3 years old, ave 4 eggs/day. Got them as 3 day olds. They have a large run and free range part time. So I have managing them down pretty well. We have 10 Australorps that are 17 days old. It looks like we might have a rooster. I have a lot of questions, so can anyone recommend a good source of info. Besides BYC, of course, but I have lots of questions and don’t want to be a pest here asking newbie questions. (Yes I know how to use search J ). Example questions:
When the nine Australorps are laying, (so 15 total hens) how many fertile eggs could I expect? What if that’s more than I want? I don’t imagine I can just tell the rooster to knock it off. Lock him up? How do you get a hen to go broody when you want – I’m guessing they go broody when THEY want. I see lots of info about incubating, but they usually assume you have electricity or a broody hen, what if you don’t have either? No doubt many more will come to mind. Thanks in advance to all.
When the nine Australorps are laying, (so 15 total hens) how many fertile eggs could I expect? What if that’s more than I want? I don’t imagine I can just tell the rooster to knock it off. Lock him up? How do you get a hen to go broody when you want – I’m guessing they go broody when THEY want. I see lots of info about incubating, but they usually assume you have electricity or a broody hen, what if you don’t have either? No doubt many more will come to mind. Thanks in advance to all.