Help.. I think I have an Egg Eater.....

red pepper flakes have other laying benefits too.
I mix red pepper flakes with my chicken feed during the winter months to keep the egg production up.

I also removed the small golf balls I had in my nests and replaced them with wooden Turkey/goose eggs that can be bought at nearly any craft store. They are a lot larger than a regular egg. The natural brown wood color of the egg resembles more of what a true hen egg looks like.
I purchased Wooden Eggs from the local Craft / Hobby store and Painted them the match the Real ones. My broody Hen Can't tell the Difference.
( Neither can My Sister in-law. No Breakfast for Her. tee hee
tee hee

Any How It worked.
I used golf balls
Works awesome
You need to give your chicken crushed oyster shells and some sand . If there are eating the eggs they are lacking nutrients
I had a few. We collect eggs a few times a day, then when we eat them, we throw them the shells. We also made them scrambled eggs to much on. Also, if you ever eat clams.. crush the shells and give them.. Seems to have curbed ours. Haven't had an egg eater in months now. Hope it works for you.
With the egg eater I mentioned separating last week, well after a week of her no longer pecking her own egg, I decided to put her back with the other girls as a final chance. Its been a week and not one cracked egg, idk why that would have changed her ways but so far so good. She's been laying quite well and her egg no longer has its signature peck mark on it.

It's almost funny, I instinctively always look for it because her eggs go in my stash. Old habits die hard.

This worked for me too. I had one hen that stopped laying in the nest boxes and for days in a row we found that she laid an egg right on the coop floor near the coop entrance. No big deal at first but then I came home one day to see that 4 of the hens had egg on their beaks and a small piece of egg shell was remaining in the shavings. And then I saw a mess of broken egg in a nest box. I thought there was no hope but I separated the hen that was laying the egg on the coop floor. I then bombarded the nest boxes with golf balls,and when I say I bombarded, I mean every nest box had golf balls in it. I then made a portable nest box that I placed on the coop floor near where the one egg was being laid. I also threw in an old portable laying bucket to cover the coop floor some more. This environmental change worked and when the one chicken was reintroduced to the flock a few days later, she started laying in the portable nest boxes. I still switch up the nest boxes and golf ball placement occasionally and so far no eggs have been eaten. I also added protein treats and hung up some treats in a suet feeder. I think this worked for me cause I have a small flock, and it was easy to really shake things up in their environment to get their attention directed away from egg eating. I still have my separate pen too that I do not hesitate to put a troublemaker in for a few days. It seems to work really well.
Bad News..... it has nothing to do with the new coop. I went into the coop today and saw one of my Rhode Island Reds eating an egg, she had cracked four and eaten them. Surprisingly, the other hens were not eating them they were just staring at her. I blew an egg and filled it with spicy horse radish mustard, and THEY LIKED IT. What do I do? I don't want the other hens o learn to eat them but I don't know if I can bring myself to killing her. Also, I closed all windows to the coop today and it was very dark in there it didn't seem to work. UUUGGGHHHHH!
So mine will eat the eggs if given a chance personaly what I did was fake eastet eggs every where. I also put curtains in the doorways to their hen house not the coop. More protein and oyster shells. Get the eggs in the am and pm. Mine ate the mustard egg too.All this combinded worked for me. You need to stop it asap. They will all learn how yummy the eggs are and you will get none.

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