Help! I think my new chick has a hernia.

GR Chicks

9 Years
Jan 15, 2011
Armstrong Co., Pennsylvania
HELP! Ok I have a chick that needs help.... it looks like it has a hernia, tumor or growth on its ambilical area....or is this the yolk, I've never seen it like this before? The chick is quite active..... HELP PLEASE!
its the yolk sac. it hatched too early. wrap it up and restrain it in a cup or something so it is upright. you can use a soft cloth around it then a cup it will fit in comfortably with out being able to flip itself out. if it absorbs it it will take a couple days. keep it clean. hope someone will come with more experience then me.
its the yolk sac. it hatched too early. wrap it up and restrain it in a cup or something so it is upright. you can use a soft cloth around it then a cup it will fit in comfortably with out being able to flip itself out. if it absorbs it it will take a couple days. keep it clean. hope someone will come with more experience then me.

Thank you, I have never encountered this when hatching.
i hope it makes it.
Well it didn't make it.....I went to check it and the sack was turning green, so I started to pick up the chick and all of the sudden a river of bright green ooze came running out of the chicks umbilical area. I was freaked out and worried about disease, so I had to put it down. If you scroll to the sponsors at the end of the page, it was as green as the Nutrena sign. GROSS!

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