Help. I thought hatching under a broody would be easy.

Just wanted to wish you luck with your chicks! I'm going through similar difficulties with a broody hen that's either clumsy or just really unlucky, and a bunch of fertile/mostly developed eggs got crushed or chicks died shortly after hatching. I'm amazed you were able to save that one given the difficulties it had hatching! Kudos to you for being on top of it!

For the record, my hen also had a staggered hatch and out of around 7 eggs that hatched (not including a few that got crushed before hatching), only 2 have survived, and they were over a week apart! But she has been diligently returning to the nest regularly to keep the little ones warm and the younger one seems to be keeping up. Of course, by now yours will be a little older than mine so I'm sure you're already past the point of worrying about it :)

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