HELP! I want them to lay!! :(


7 Years
Aug 15, 2012
My chickens were 3 weeks old on March 31st (when I got them) and I got another that is about 3 weeks older then the other ones. They are still not laying!!! Any tips?
Depends on the breed but you should be getting an egg any day now. Just keep an eye out and be patient..look around on the ground, sometimes the first egg or two will be layed in the corner of the coop. Oh and the first few eggs will be pretty small and will increase in size in the weeks after you get that first egg. Good luck!
Barred rock, New Hampshire, Easter eager, and Dominique. The barred rock is in the house right now making weird sounds!?
I have 4 barred rocks and they make a whole ton of noise when the are getting ready to lay. When I go by the coop to check on them during the day, they yell at me when I am near the coop. Good luck!! I was so excited when I found my first EGG!!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Right after I posted this I got my first Barred rock egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!Thanks!
Maybe that will work for me. Mom and I got our Buffs the same day, and she started getting eggs Saturday. Where are my eggs?

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