help ID animal that eats lollipops/suckers?


10 Years
Mar 10, 2012
Sometime last night something dug through our trash ignoring the meat wrappers and eating about 15 lollipops, the typical dumdum Brand. I also found some predator looking poop by the compost bin. We have raccoons, opossum, lots of coyotes, and other typical suburban wildlife. Any ideas what this could be? My chickens are in a tractor with open floor during the day and locked in secure coop an hour after sunset. I’d like to know to think about any additional preventative measures I should take.
Here’s the poop:
Maybe skunk, hadn’t thought of that. But wouldn’t the area have smelled? Whenever a skunk is nearby it seems to smell.

I am amazed that they ate lollipops and left the sticks behind. Most animals seem to prefer nutrition and not junk.
No bears here. But we were wondering about the feral children. :)
If it was, they prefer lollipops, didn’t touch the gum drops, tried the starburst but rejected them.

I’m concerned about the dusk problem. The door is set for an hour after sunset because we once had its safety switch malfunction and it killed a hen who was in the way when it closed. But a skunk would have no problem digging into the run and entering the open coop.
They’re on a tractor, new spot every other day. We could make a hardware cloth floor for the run but how do the chickens scratch? Wouldn’t it hurt them?

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