Help identify the breed of my Rooster


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 3, 2013
Northern California
I hardly ever post so I hope im doing this right...

This is "Rudy" my little rooster. I got him from a yard sale last summer... yes a yard sale! The owners didnt know his breed & didnt matter much to me cuz hes so dang cute. Now... I just love his personality and tempement and im thinking of breeding him so I need to know the breed. At first I was thinking Old English Bantam but I don't think the comb is right, judging by pics ive found. So now im thinkning maybe Japanese Bantam!??
Any guesses??? :)

First 2 pics are when I first got him. The last 2 are more recent... you can see hes more feathered out and mature looking.




Those big white earlobes would rule out his being a Japanese Bantam [Chabo]. Not to mention that the body type is all wrong as is the leg colour. I'd assume he's a cross breed [mutt] with some Dutch Bantam in his background.

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