Help identify these bantam chicks

Well, it could be a male Salmon Faverolle. Females are buff with a bit of coloring and males are mostly black with a tuxedo. I'm not sure though, Faverolles have beards and this chick doesn't seem to have too much beard. It is hard to tell. They do have the feathering on the legs though. Barred Rocks are striped black & white. I can't identify the last two chicks.
I disagree. This chick is very clearly mottled which is incredibly different from salmon. Salmon chicks have an even yellow chick down as well. :) Faverolles also have five toes
What hatchery are they from? Likely Barred Rock Bantam and Mottled d'Uccle :)
they are from hoover! they came from an assorted bantam bin! they were the only black and white and black ones left ! i’ve tried looking on hoover but i couldn’t figure out what the could be! besides the black being a barred rock bantam! 😊 so could the white and black one be a mottled cochin bantam ? possibly ?someone said ancona bantam but the feathered legs make me think differently.

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