Help identify these chickens


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2015
I am pretty new to all things chickens :) I THOUGHT I had one rooster but I did notice that one of my "hens" had started getting aggressive and then today a heard a new crow so I went to take a look and one of my "hens" was well no longer a hen lol. I know I have 2 roosters although I'm very confused bc it doesn't look like a roo. I have another one that I am now wondering if maybe it too is a roo and I have been unable to find information anywhere! PLEASE HELP I will add a pic as soon as I figure it out

The lighter one is the one crowing ... I'll post more
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Technically, you don't need a rooster at all. Hens will lay eggs whether a male is present or not. The only reason you would need to have a rooster is if you want fertile eggs for hatching.
I'm on the fence about having chicks, if we do I would sell them and I'm not sure how difficult that is. I got my chicks at a few days old, is that typical? I would sell them after a few days of hatching. How long does it take an egg to hatch? dif
Technically, you don't need a rooster at all. Hens will lay eggs whether a male is present or not. The only reason you would need to have a rooster is if you want fertile eggs for hatching.
f that is.
It takes 21 days from the start of incubation for an egg to hatch. Most people buy their chickens as sexed chicks from hatcheries. There might not be much of a market in your area for unsexed, mixed breed chicks.
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