Help identifying Bearded Black Chick - Got it! - It's a Crevecouer


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
I'm pretty good with most breeds, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something with this one.

I went to my local feedstore today to pick up a couple Barred Plymouth Rock chicks to add to my new brood. I found a mystery chick in the large tub. Our feed store sells pullets and today, the chicks in the tub were supposed to be White leghorns, Production Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers (labeled as Araucana by the feed store).

I found one little black chick that didn't match up with any of those breeds -- It's black with a yellow tummy, black/pink legs, and bearded with a very flat type comb. Normally, I'd assume it is a Black Easter Egger, but I been to this feedstore many, many times to look at the chicks and the only type of EEs I've ever seen in their tubs were partridge type color (chipmunk babies). Even today, this is the only bearded chick that did not look like a little chipmunk.

Could it be a polish? I don't see a puffy head, like the other polish chicks I've seen. Any other ideas? I brought it home, on the chance that it is indeed a black EE, but the comb and face/eyes look strange to me.

Here is is next to a BPR purchased at the same time - they look to be the same age. You can see the fluffy cheeks in this pic:


No head spot on the mystery chick - the wings are pure black:


the weird comb -- it is not pink, just looks that color in the pic:


The underbelly and legs of the mystery chick:


Edited to Add: I do know that Easter Eggers come in different colors - I have received some real pretty ones from MPC, but this feedstore always has the same colors -- just wondering if there are any other types it can be, besides an EE -- I'm not familiar with all the bearded types of chicks.

The comb on this chick is different than any EE I've had and this one has no hint of green on its legs (I know EEs do not all have green legs, but if this chick did, that would have been a sure clue). If it doesn't look like a polish or any other type of Bearded chick to you all, I'll assume it is an EE for now.
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NM --- I think I've figured it out --- after doing some more research, it seems to be a ..... Crevecouer, which is a breed I wasn't familiar with, but explains the unusual comb/nose she has. It will end up being black with a black crest.
Does this chick have a small pom pom on top of its head and the top of its beak looks like a V ? Crevecoeur's also only have 4 toe's.
This one does only have 4 toes - it doesn't have a large pom-pom like the polish chicks usually do, but is very lightly puffy on the head - the head looks like the chevecouer chicks pictured on the hatchery's website.

Sonoran Silkies -- If not a crevecouer, what else would you suggest? The beak/nose/comb is what really sets this off, along with the beard. The nose/nostrils are quite unusual and look just like the pics of crevecour chicks that I've seen, plus..... the hatchery that supplies my feedstore (Privett) does sell crevecouer chicks. ''

When I tried to get help identifying the chick from store employees, they had no idea what it was, but did say they had polish chicks in last week - This one didn't look polish to me, but it makes sense that a crevecour chick could have gotten added into a polish mix when sent to the hatchery.
Ok - I just took the chick back out - it's much perkier today, after getting adjusted to it's new home. This chick does not have a poofball, but has a tiny mohawk on the top of it's head -- I took a few more pics, but they're not that great - the mohawk is more visible in person than in the pics - nonetheless, it is there. I also took a better pic of it's weird nose/beak/comb. I do believe it's a crevecour.

That puff at the top is a thin strip - looks like a little mohawk.



The lightish color is where the mohawk is - this pic shows the flat, wide, sunken nose.

Just found this old thread.....the chick above is/was not a Crevecouer

This is one of my Crevecouer chicks, I didn't want anyone to see the above chick and "wonder" if that was a Crevecouer

For smoothmule and Sonoran Silkies - if anyone cares, 4 ENTIRE YEARS!! after the initial post - the OP's chick is clearly a Crevecoeur; the formation of the nostrils and the dumpy black appearance is distinctive; moreover I have firsthand experience actually ordering Crevecoeur chicks from Privett and this is what you get. Have been raising Crevecoeurs for 6 years now and the appearance of this chick is spot on for Privett, many of Duane Urch and some of Sandhill.

The chick photo posted by smoothmule looks far less like a Crevecoeur, the large vaulted skull is not typical of the breed; both the skull shape and the dark, unusually scrawny toes, together with the hunched, static posture and apparent lack of beard, make me wonder if smoothmule was unlucky enough to purchase Crevecoeurs from McMurray.

Also note the spelling: crevec OE u r NOT crevec OU er
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