Help identifying chicks

All of these chicks are either
Black copper maran
Blue orpington (splash/black/blue I'm assuming)

Any clues?
Your grey chicks are blue or splash Orpingtons. Any chicks with a white spot on the back of the head are Barred Rocks. I suspect your Ameraucana are actually Easter Eggers, since the parents were not kept in pens separated by color. They should have pea combs and fluffy faces. The Marans should be solid black as chicks with pink feet, not yellow, and may have feathered legs.
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upon closer examination, the three smallest chicks have pea combs and cheek feathers! :) Is it possible for a black copper maran to be partly yellow when little? or an olive egger? I had both eggs...
Most black chickens start as black chicks with yellow/white bellies/throats. If a few of your blue Orpingtons are black, then you won't be able to tell them apart until they are about 6 to 8 weeks old. That's how old they'll be when the 'copper' starts coming in.
ohhh okay thats reassuring! I thought I had little mutt chickens even thought i got the eggs from a breeder. The orpingtons should be fluffier and "Fatter" than the marans too right?

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