HELP Incubator AND Broody / DAY 22 no pip or peep from bator


Apr 3, 2018
California Desert
Hey all! I am hatching for the first time. I started with 16 shipped eggs. Gave half to my broody hen and half in an incubator. I’ve candled both sets through the process all looked good. Didn’t see any detached air cells, all but 3-4 eggs were developing. Wednesday evening started day 21, as of yesterday night 6/8 eggs given to broody had hatched. They all were set the same day.

None of my incubator eggs are peeping or pipping or anything. And the incubator has been on strict lockdown since day 18. Humidity was ~50/55 and from day 18-19 I slowly raised it to ~65/70. Temp has held at 99.5-100.5. Stuck a reptile thermometer in quickly yesterday and my digital meat thermo through one of the vent holes and it seems to be accurate.

Should I raise the temp a little?? Or do anything at all? Two of the eggs wiggled on days 19/20 but nothing now.

I’m concerned because everyone told me the Broody prob wouldn’t do as well as the bator, but now all of her’s have hatched (two of them didn’t look to be fertilized but I left them just in case because this is my first time)and none of the incubator ones.

I added a pic of broody and her first chick just for the cute factor ;)
UPDATE: Three eggs pipped on day 22, one hatched, another hatched today on day 23 and I have included photos. It looks like her vent is prolapsed/didn’t absorb everything completely. Will this fix its self? Is it serious?

Third egg has about a dime size hole and chick is moving and breathing, but there’s still visible veins, so hopefully it will all absorb soon.
View attachment 1729402 View attachment 1729403 UPDATE: Three eggs pipped on day 22, one hatched, another hatched today on day 23 and I have included photos. It looks like her vent is prolapsed/didn’t absorb everything completely. Will this fix its self? Is it serious?

Third egg has about a dime size hole and chick is moving and breathing, but there’s still visible veins, so hopefully it will all absorb soon.
That's the umbilical and leave it alone it will continue to absorb any yolk.

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