HELP! Incubator overheats!


6 Years
Feb 11, 2017
So my incubator was holding some turkey eggs and when we were going to have a party (family party so pretty chill) and my dad moved the incubator and when i checked on the eggs today the incubator was a staggering 44 degrees celsius!!! What do i do!! it is only 3-5 days left until hatch! did they die?
my stupid dad put the incubator in direct sunlight!
An extended period over 40.5, no embryos would be expected to survive. That said, near the end of incubation, they can handle wider temp swings.
So it depends on how long they were at that temperature.
When I see that, the first thing I do is open the incubator to let them cool down.
i guess we'll see, since the turkey eggs are so thick you can't candle them at the end of incubation so i can't see if it's alive

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