HELP! Incubator troubles

happy ducks

In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2015
My female pekin duck layed 6 eggs, and we bought an incubator yesterday at tractor supply store. Its a still air incubator item#- 9300.
We put the eggs in there and it said the temp was 109degrees!!!!! We added water, but the water leaked through and made a big mess! The eggs have only been in the incubator for about 3 1/2 hours, but I don't want them to be ruined!! The temp. is set to 99.5 but it keeps going to 109-111! I know this is too high, and Ive tried to lower it. Can anyone give me some advice to make the temp lower and add water without it spilling out?
Some incubators come with plastic liners or trays so you can add water without it spilling through the holes in the bottom. I would not put the eggs in until you have the temp set where you want it. It may take a few days to get it right. I would just turn your eggs each day until your temp is right in the incubator and then you can add the eggs. I have a homemade incubator and one of the styrofoam store-bought types. I just cover the bottom with a garbage bag and then no water leaks through.
I have a 9300, and its a bit finicky. I've noticed if you don't keep that probe that's attached to the plastic sheet right under the heat source (on top of the eggs) the temp will soar. I assume its because the thermostat is reading the cooler edges of the 'bator and over working to keep the the right temp. I turned mine on the other night to get it ready, and my temp shot up to 108. I kept lifting the lid and freaking out thinking something was wrong with it. Then I noticed the probe was wedged down on the side of my auto turner. I moved it under the heater, and its held a perfect 101.3 since.

Something else, don't ever trust the temp reading on the incubator. Mine is about 3* off. I have to set my 'bator at 104.5 to get 101.3. And it seems, from reading others posts who have the 9300, that that's a pretty common issue with them. Save yourself a lot of trouble and get a good thermometer, and check it for accuracy.

Good luck.

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