Help - Injured Light Sussex Cockerel


In the Brooder
Nov 25, 2022
Hey All,

Just a note to start that I’m pretty upset with myself about this so please be kind.

I have a 22 week old Light Sussex Cockerel that I had a spiral leg ring on, despite it being quite a large size and flexible I noticed that it seemed a bit tight while I was checking them all 2 days ago.

I waited until they were all in the coop for the night and then went out and removed the leg ring from his leg. Unfortunately, possibly due to a number of factors, the leg ring actually punctured his leg as I was removing it.

I took him inside to have a look under decent light and there was a bit of what looked like muscle protruding from the puncture wound. I cleaned him up and stopped the bleeding with corn starch and left him overnight to see how it was going. The next day part of the protrusion had dried up so I removed the dry/dead bits, cleaned again with saline and then put honey on the wound and bandaged it.

I have now got some iodine ointment that I can use but I just wanted to see what everyone else’s opinion was on what I should be doing to help him heal up as best he can. I’ll be removing the bandage and cleaning again tonight. He is still eating and drinking normally, the swelling appears to have gone down a bit and he isn’t favouring his leg as much today as he was yesterday so I’m hoping that means he will be okay?

I have attached a photo of the protrusion after I cleaned it all up last night. Please also note I am in rural Australia so I dont have easy access to many things including triple antibiotic ointments etc. I know these are frequently recommended but they aren't available anywhere near me.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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