Help!? Is it too cold?


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2022
Good morning! My chicks are inside this morning (in brooder box) as it is only about 45 degrees out this morning but warming up quickly. They are 7 weeks old today and are fully feathered. Is it too cold for them to go out to their coop? They're screaming at me. šŸ˜‚ I fear what is to become of me if I don't entertain them soon. Has anyone else experienced any issues with chicks and cold weather? How'd you battle the problem? Like obviously I know you're not supposed to typically raise chicks in the winter, but I'm in south Alabama and it's been mild up until now. Lend me your ideas, thoughts, pics, probs, etc.! I'm all ears.
It's not too cold šŸ˜. At 7 weeks they should be able to tolerate it. I think it's important to be sure that they are able to get out of the wind, but if it's just cold temps, they should be just fine šŸ¤—. Watch their behavior - you'll be able to tell if/when they get cold.

I put my chicks into their coop/run full time at 5.5 weeks and lows were in the 40s. Now, they are 8.5 weeks and we're having low temps in the 20s! Take them out for short periods and watch them. I would say it's safe to transition them! ā¤
See?! I knew I could count on this community. Thank you! I took them out about an hour ago to their coop and they seem to be doing fine. For now they're in one of those prefab coops, so they've got plenty of room and a nice hut to get out of the wind.

I'll still never understand why I google things first when the direct answer I'm looking for is always right here. I simply love BYC. ā¤ļø

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