Help! Is this chick ok?

Yes, four more. Which is why we are frustrated this one came early. The others aren't supposed to hatch until Saturday. By that time our hen won't want her eggs anymore.
I just had a guinea keet hatch FIVE days early, and yes I triple checked my math. I was about to remove the turners when i heard peeping and there was a little guy hanging out between the turners. He has a small part of his yolk sack still out (almost looks umbilical cord like), but is doing well. I checked the other 11 eggs that are due on Monday, and none have pipped, this guy was just bound and determined to be an early bird.
Hen is getting tired of sitting on eggs and would rather stand with her chick. Debating whether I should start up the incubator or give it one more day?
I put an egg in front of her and she layed down and took it along with the others. Now she is sitting peacefully on her eggs.
Ok, if the chicks hatch could I throw her back under? I don't want to deal with the whole "heat lamp" deal.

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