HELP! its day 30 for my pekin duck eggs there alive but not hatching


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2016
luther oklahoma
I have 10 pekin duck eggs in the incubator and it's day 30 should I be concerned? I candled 2 and they seem to be fine moving around inside I can't tell if they have peeped as I can slightly see a Shadow in the air pocket on both and I don't hear anything. I did hold the eggs about 5 days before I put them in the incubator do you think this is why it is taking longer? Any advise is helpful thank you!
humidity sounds temp runs 99.6 in a forced air you see any pips . sometimes they are hard to see..if the humidity or temp is low they may take longer to hatch....hopefully they are still alive.
oh and when you put them in an incubator did you skip a day to the count...rule of thumb is egg do nott get up to temperature for 24 hours so skip one day and then count.
Generally in a still air incubator, you want the temperature about 2 degrees high. Do you have a secondary thermometer in the incubator to verify the temperature?
hopefully they will hatch and patience is a big factor and keep looking for movement . I usually shine a light on them to see if they have piped or if they move.

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