Help! - Killer Rooster


In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 7, 2007
Cave Creek
I bought a beautiful blue silkie Rooster just befor Christmas and put him in with my frizzle & silkie hens. Last Thur I came home at lunch to find one of my 2yr old frizzle hens with her scalp split open, her skull & entire back of her neck exposed & him pecking at her. I couldn't save her. At the time figured he'd done it trying to breed her & started reading about trimming beaks. I trimed his back the next day but, today I caught him in the act of pecking the head on another of my 2yr old frizzle hens. He wasn't trying to breed, he was trying to peck her head as hard as he could.

HELP! I'm afraid to put him back in with them, I don't want to risk loosing any more hens. He was used for breeding before and they said he was "an aggressive breeder" so be sure he had more then just a couple of hens. He has 13, although some of them are younger. He is only attacking the Frizzle hens but, the silkies are all still pullets. The hens he attacked were all the oldest (2 yrs) in the pen ...can chickens be breed prejudice???

Is there any solution besides get rid of him??????

Any help would be appreciated!
Hmm... wonder if the previous home was rehoming him because he was a problem? Right now he is trying to asert himself as top chicken so that's what the head pecks are for. My roos do that but haven't killed anyone. Granted, they free range.
what is his diet? I would fry some hamburger and give him a table spoon a day for several days and see how he is with them. Causeing that severe a wound sounds to me to be more than agression. If he is a nice rooster then it would be worth a try.
Your poor hen......what a dreadful exit for her, essentially being beaten to death. So sorry to hear this. You are right to keep him separate until sure this isn't going to happen again.
Oh boy how very sad for the hens.
I wouldnt hesitate to make him into soup if he tried that at my place.
I really hope you have a good outcome here.
2 year old frizzles, wow they were really settled, what a shame, give him a boot for me!
I wouldn't want to pass on that aggressive trait through breeding.
I also wouldn't rehome him unless he was the ONLY chicken.
I wouldn't eat him either (black skin and bones-too scary)

Keep him penned separately (No luxury cell either)- life without parole for Frizzle murder!! Poor hen! How horrible that must have been for her!

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