Help - lethargic 3 yr old australorpe - excess brownish liquid released from beak


Mar 30, 2016
Upstate NY
I'm worried sick over my 3 yr old australorpe. Looking for recommendations from experienced chicken moms and dads.

She's on day 2 of lethargy - she stands still like a statue sort of dazed, feathers sort of puffed up. I have no clue if she's been eating or drinking (doubtful though based on how she moves). when I picked her up I noticed an enlarged breast area - very soft- and when I pressed on it brownish liquid flowed out her beak ( a lot). I pressed on the swollen area a couple times and liquid came out.

I checked on her a bit ago and see she had moved herself in to a nesting box with one of the other hens.

Could she be egg bound? sour crop?
Recommendations what to do?

She's on day 2 of lethargy - she stands still like a statue sort of dazed, feathers sort of puffed up. I have no clue if she's been eating or drinking (doubtful though based on how she moves). when I picked her up I noticed an enlarged breast area - very soft- and when I pressed on it brownish liquid flowed out her beak

An enlarged crop with liquid coming out of the beak, she's got a crop problem going on.
Does the fluid or her breath smell sour or yeasty?

I would be good if you could put her in a kennel on puppy pads to see if she is pooping and what that looks like too. (photos of the poop may help)
I would keep her near the flock if possible. Provide her with water, but no food.

Do you know when she last laid an egg? I would feel the abdomen for bloat/swelling or fluid and check inside the vent about 1-2" to make sure there's not an egg stuck as well.

A crop issue is often a symptom of an underlying condition. Reproductive disorders, worms, coccidiosis and infection can cause inflammation or swelling in the body which slows the digestive process.

You mentioned it was soft, was that because of the fluid or did you feel food in there too? Did the crop mostly empty when the fluid came out or is it still full? You do need to feel the crop to try to tell if there's anything else in there besides fluid, but be careful she doesn't aspirate fluids when you do that.
An enlarged crop with liquid coming out of the beak, she's got a crop problem going on.
Does the fluid or her breath smell sour or yeasty?

I would be good if you could put her in a kennel on puppy pads to see if she is pooping and what that looks like too. (photos of the poop may help)
I would keep her near the flock if possible. Provide her with water, but no food.

Do you know when she last laid an egg? I would feel the abdomen for bloat/swelling or fluid and check inside the vent about 1-2" to make sure there's not an egg stuck as well.

A crop issue is often a symptom of an underlying condition. Reproductive disorders, worms, coccidiosis and infection can cause inflammation or swelling in the body which slows the digestive process.

You mentioned it was soft, was that because of the fluid or did you feel food in there too? Did the crop mostly empty when the fluid came out or is it still full? You do need to feel the crop to try to tell if there's anything else in there besides fluid, but be careful she doesn't aspirate fluids when you do that.
An enlarged crop with liquid coming out of the beak, she's got a crop problem going on.
Does the fluid or her breath smell sour or yeasty?

I would be good if you could put her in a kennel on puppy pads to see if she is pooping and what that looks like too. (photos of the poop may help)
I would keep her near the flock if possible. Provide her with water, but no food.

Do you know when she last laid an egg? I would feel the abdomen for bloat/swelling or fluid and check inside the vent about 1-2" to make sure there's not an egg stuck as well.

A crop issue is often a symptom of an underlying condition. Reproductive disorders, worms, coccidiosis and infection can cause inflammation or swelling in the body which slows the digestive process.

You mentioned it was soft, was that because of the fluid or did you feel food in there too? Did the crop mostly empty when the fluid came out or is it still full? You do need to feel the crop to try to tell if there's anything else in there besides fluid, but be careful she doesn't aspirate fluids when you do that.
Thank you for replying last night. Appreciate your help. Unfortunately my dear girl passed away today

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