HELP! Lethargic chicken, feathers missing, not eating

I'm sorry she's not doing well.

It can be hard to know what's going on with them. You're doing what you can for her.
It sounds like she is having some neurological issues as well.
Ginny is still surviving. I can get her to eat mash occasionally. I put a big bowl of it in the run now so she can have some when she wants.

Her face, comb, and waddles have grown very pale. I do think she is getting close to passing but doesn’t appear to be suffering.

Here is her latest poop. The green is a newer development. From what I read, the green is not a good sign. It is still very watery. (The brown wood chip was already there, and I think the white dots might have already been on the stone too? Tough to know.)

An edit like 5 minutes after I made this post:
she’s going after the bowl of mash a lot eating. Could it be something as simple as something hurting on her beak that is making it tough to eat? I did not spot anything, her beak looked normal to me. She also pecked at one of my pullets which shows a little spunk she hasn’t had! Trying not to get too hopeful.
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Ginny is still the same. Surviving but not well... she is still getting up into the coop at night but seems unable to get onto the roosting bars. This morning I have started treatment for sour crop. I have not gotten that sauerkraut smell from her but I thought that I might as well try everything I could.
Ginny update- I was optimistic over the weekend- she showed some signs of recovery, she was excited about some watermelon I offered them on a hot day. But today is looking worse, she did not exit the coop on her own this morning.

I am continuing sour crop treatment. @Wyorp Rock I wanted to ask about the calcium supplement: I have been giving it daily and wondering if I should continue it at this point. It does not seem to be helping.
I wanted to provide an update on Ginny:

Dare I say, she seems to be getting better? She is eating a lot more, excited about the blueberry/lettuce treats I bring out. Generally acting like a chicken again, scratching around and doing chicken things! She has not resumed laying so I'll be curious where she goes from here, but for the last 1.5 weeks or so I am feeling hopefully that she might make it after all!

Ginny has gone through a lot of ups and downs since I first posted that she was sick. She never laid an egg again, but had long periods where she was a very active, healthy chicken, with random lethargic days sprinkled in.

Lately, as our weather has gotten much colder, she has been looking worse and worse. I'm sorry to say that she passed away this morning, only 1.5 years old. Here is a photo of her while she was healthy. She was a very good chicken.

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