HELP! Liquid droppings??


7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
My pullets droppings have been a bit funny looking lately and I just had the honor of witnessing one of them doing one and I just spewed out, and I was liquid and yellow?
They don't appear to be sick, they have been clucking in a distressed way but they're near being ready to lay an egg.
I recently changed food types, could this be it? Whenever I let them out for a bit they always go to the spot where it was spilled and pick around in the dirt for it.
Theres a vet about 20 minute walk down the road but I'm not sure if they treat chickens
It's been pretty warm around here lately.. 19 degrees celcius, that's 66 farenheit.. maybe thats why
I've just given them some frozen berries and added ice to their water and put a wet cloth over the run so it'll blow cool air in, if we get a breeze. We're going to get their old feed back and see if that helps.
Around here, 66 degrees fahrenheit is very cool. We just spent most of the summer in the upper 90s with very high humidity.

Heat will not make your chickens droppings yellow. I don't believe that the change of feed would do it either. Have they gotten into moldy feed?

Can you post a pic?
They might come into contact with a small amount of mold but that was weeks ago and as I said we've changed feeds now so the new feed shouldn't be moldy, it doesn't look moldy. The birds look perfectly healthy it's just the poo got my worried
Over the last few days it's gradually gone back to normal, still a little weird looking but normal enough that I don't have to worry, and I only just got the old feed back today so I don't think that was the problem

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