My little Delaware 2 day old chick is acting listless. When I went to check them this morning, I noticed that the other chicks were ganging up on her and pecking beneath her eye, and she wasn't moving away. I think that they pecked her so much she has bald spots under her eyes, however the spots may have been there yesterday and I didn't notice. I took her out and applied some Peck-No-More underneath her eyes, and put her back in and the other chicks continued to peck her. I took her out again and put her in the shipping box they came in and put it half way underneath the heat lamp with new shavings as bedding, water that has 4 drops of Nutri-Drench, and mashed boiled egg. She is now laying on her stomach with her eyes closed and frankly doesn't look too good. I have been dipping her beak in the water and she has been drinking, but I haven't seen her eat since this morning. She is still peeping when I move the box. She does not have pasty butt or an impacted crop. Is there anything else I can do to save her? I'm hoping she will just need to sleep it off. Thank you for any help!