Help!!! Little giant incubator wont turn on?


9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
I have a little giant incubator and I have used it now for two hatches and it has worked just fine. I went to plug it in the other day and the light flashed once and NEVER came back on? When I initially plug it in it flashes just momentarily and the heating coil warms just when the light flashed the one time. if I play with it and keep plugging it in it does flicker initially. I was thinking maybe a short in the cord? I know that it is not working right because even for extended periods of being plugged in nothing happens :-( Any help anyone could give me on how to fix it would be great!!!!
Check your connections, check every inch of the cord. Turn the thermostat way down, plug it in and then turn the thermostat back up. I don't remember the specifics, but it is in their user manual about how to get it set up again.

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