HELP... Looking for a couple chicks in NE Ohio!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 17, 2007
My little 5 year old neice is CRAZY for chickens... When she grows up she wants a chicken farm... But she lives on an army base so the only chickens she sees are on my farm when she visits a couple times a year.

I was holding off on buying my new chickens until I knew when they were coming and by the time my sister gave me dates on when they were coming we could not get the Dominiques (the breed we have decided to focus on for the time being) before her visit. Our coop is not huge so we decided we could not get an assortment of 25 rare birds they had for delivery then, we need mainly one kind because we want to start breeding for our own chicks soon and our coop only has room for about 40 and we currently have 11!

My sister has told her there are no baby chickens at the farm, that means that she will adopt an egg and want to carry it around with her the whole time she is here. Even though we have told her that we have no rooster so there can NEVER be any chicks in the eggs, she will hold them up to her ear and listen, and she refuses to eat any egg that is not white!

So it would be amazing if in the next week I could find someone in North east ohio who would let me buy 2 or 3 chicks from them.

If you know anyone please let me know and you will make a little girl very happy!
I don't really think this will help you, but I could meet you in Blawnox, PA (right over the border into PA) with chicks on Sun or Tues. I work up that way. Currently, I have Ameraucanas/EE, bantam cochins (smooth & frizzle), and silkies. You can see pics at Depending on what my girls are hatching in the next few days, I may also have a few BTW Japanese bantams and Mille fleur d'uccles. Let me know...

Thanks, Leah
Thanks for the offer but that is a little far from my house (150 miles each way)...

I can just see telling my husband on sunday (when we need to plant hundreds of tomato seedings and equal numbers of peppers, squash, and eggplants)... "OH I'll be gone 6 hours, I have to go pick up 3 chicks!"

He does not really get the whole niece in love with chickens thing...

Thanks for the offer... Do you know anyone in Ohio?

Oh, and your website looks great!
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Where are you in NE Ohio? I'm in the far corner of NE Ohio and I have some chicks here. Sorry, no Dominiques.
What I do have are white silkie chicks that came from breeding a showgirl roo to a silkie hen. Half of the chicks hatched were showgirls (naked necked silkies) and I am keeping those. The other half look like silkies but will probably not be as fluffy as regular silkies.
I also have some crosses that I hatched out for a friend. The hens were easter eggers and the roo was golden phoenix. Just mutt birds...but kinda cute, look like chipmonks.
Anyway, if you are nearby you are welcome to a couple of chicks. They are still in a brooder with a light on them, so you will need to set up a brooder for them.
I will be here on Saturday, but not Sunday.
Where are you?!?!? I live in Millersburg. I have some babies, they are Americaunas. I ordered them from our local feed store/ They came in on the 8th. They are getting some feathers but I could still sell you 2 or 3 if you want. Oh yeah they are all pullets!

Let me know of you are interested!!
Are the chicks still in "cute" stage or are they in "mutant" pinfeather stage?
I think they are so cute
-- in a funny cute way, when they are getting thei feather
My non-farm neice though probably thinks of chicks as fluff balls and not porqupines!

Thanks so much for the offer. I found my-pet chicken and was actually able to get 5 White Cochin pullets for next week! But they do charge a premium for that service...

Thanks for your offer of help.

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