HELP ....!! Low on chick feed till morning!! What can I give them??


11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Southwest MO near the ARK line
We assumed ....duh....that the feed store would be open after church this morning and I planned on getting my chick starter today, just as soon as they opened.

WEll....dumb me ...forgot to consider this IS Easter and they might choose not to open. They choose not to open .

I have about a cup or so of feed left for the rest of tonight and till the store opens at 9 or 10 in the AM.

I have 25 chicks who are 2 weeks old. Can I just dole it out to them alittle at a time or will they starve if they run out this evening???? They eat so much !!! I dont know of anything in the house I can give them to stretch the feed?? I do have yogurt!! Can I give them a dish of that to help keep the bellys full till morning?? Anything else I can oats??

Thanks in advance for any suggestions....I dont think they will actually 'starve' but I just cant stand the idea of them maybe being hungry till I can get feed at 10 in the morning . ( gonna get a big bag this time !!!! And never get this low on feed again !!!
I was told crubled yolks from hard boiled eggs......they liked it......not sure about the age, mine were only a few days old....
good luck
Boil some eggs and mash them up to feed the chicks. I always give some to mine and it seems to help them grow better.
OH thank you all sooo much!! I have all of the above and will start cooking the eggs as we speak!!
( I did give them a wee bit of small grit recently as I was giving them little bits of worms yesterday.....)
Now, that was a riot!!!
Poor worms !

Will make a mix of cornmeal and egg and oats! Now I wont go to bed feeling guilty for letting the feed run so low!!! Never again will I do that!! Thanks again for all your help and Happy EASTER !!!!!
OH Yes!! Back last year, when we had the first flock ( before the foxes wiped them out last summer ) ...we would boil up a pot of spagattie and then just sit out in the yard in our lounge chairs with our summer drinks and watch them go to town on the pasta!! NOw that was a show!!!

Sometimes during the summer , we would all gather night crawlers the night before, and then have a ''worm party'' for the girls, the next evening !!
HA ...who needs TV??

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