Help! Maggots In My Chick Room!!!

Are they Indianmeal moth larvae as opposed to maggots? They are often mistaken for maggots and can infest any kind of food.
You can get traps to catch the moths, and slowly get rid of the larvae (they are too ugly in my opinion to be called caterpillars). Find where they are coming from and get rid of the bag of food, or if you can you can freeze the feed they are in to kill them and any eggs. They will infest birds seed, flour or any kind of grain/seed really. They'll even get into nuts and chocolate.

They are referred to as pantry moths in my country (so I'd buy a 'Pantry Moth Trap') but I'm in a different country so they might be called something else where you are. At least you know they are no danger to your chicks - just their feed.
That's another thing though. I haven't found any in there feed. Just crawling around on the floor.
I will take a look.... I would probably cry if I saw them on the ceiling...😭
Ceiling clear? Roof? Around edge of walls (inside & out)?
It could be a dead Tweety bird or mouse somewhere they are crawling/falling from. Last yr, we found a trail that led to an unfound Easter Egg. Yuck.

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