Mar 12, 2018
Yesterday was Day 21 for my viable cochin eggs. I just candled and one appears to be trying to pip internally in the correct position, but I am TERRIFIED because the other chick is almost certainly malpositioned! Candling shows MOVEMENT at the SMALL END! Membranes are intact, but when this guy punctures the small end he will drown in excess albumin?!! HELP!!!!!!!!!! :hit
I have lost too many malpositioned babies to drowning. What do I do?! There is fluid at that end! I am so scared! :hit Is it worth the risk of trying to drain albumin/fluid or something? Should I remove shell and try not to puncture membrane? If I try I risk puncturing membrane...but the chick will almost certainly die anyway without some kind of intervention...I need expert opinion. What should I do? HELP ME PLEASE!
Start with just a safety hole, as small as possible, try putting the tiny hole as close to the beak as possible, careful not to hit any veins
Thank you so much for your reply! Even though it's the small end and the baby hasn't internally pipped yet but trying to? Will fluid run out or is there a little bubble at the bottom too?
@casportpony @Wyorp Rock @KikisGirls anyone else please help!
Thank you so much for your reply! Even though it's the small end and the baby hasn't internally pipped yet but trying to? Will fluid run out or is there a little bubble at the bottom too?
@casportpony @Wyorp Rock @KikisGirls anyone else please help!
I'm really not sure sorry, fluid will probably come out.
I just think there's not much to loose if you try to help since it will likely die without help.
Things to consider about helping though is that there might be a reason it can't hatch itself, often if they aren't strong enough to hatch they aren't strong enough to live. Malpositioning can happen for other reasons though
There are some really great articles on here that go through helping step by step. One of the most important things though is to be patient incase the chick can get itself out first

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