Help me identify my predator *graphic*


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 1, 2012
Northern Indiana
In the past we have had problems with hawks while the flock is free ranging but it hasn't been an issue yet this year. We have, however, lost two ducks and most recently, our 3 year old pet turkey. Our neighbor has lost 20 young chickens this spring. He has only recovered the body of one of them. Our turkey was attacked with no sign of entry and no other birds were harmed. He was a large tom, weighing in at 50+ lbs. His attacker didn't kill him but we had to put him down considering the severity of his injuries. He was inside the run but not in the coop. My only thought is that the pig came out and startled the attacker before he had a chance to finish. Also, the animal has dug up the two buried ducks along with two silkies we buried last fall. He also came back and drug off the head of the turkey before could bury him. I found these tracks near both coops and neither of us have a dog.
My guess would be a coyote, I lock my girls down at night but don`t lock down the roosters. Last year in one night I lost my five roosters. Now at dusk everybody goes into lock down.
Coyote most probably...sounds like your neighbor and you need to do an "all-nighter" and, shall we say, put the scumbag out of it's misery. Only problem is this...if it is a coyote they usually travel in packs so getting rid of one might not cure the problem. I wish you all the best and so sorry for your loss.
Coyotes are crafty and quick-- inviting a local hunter is a good way to "fix" the problm-AND GIVES HIM OR HER (my daughters hunt) a place to hunt-just be sure to tell them what kind of birds you raise --then then there wont be any mistaken kills GOOD LUCK
I also hunt. Trying to call in a coyote is not easy. And if it's coming in during the night there's no way of shooting it.
I'd get a trap then call the hunter to shot it.
You can purchase coyote traps at TSC stores. Bait it with some tuna or canned dog food. Problem solved.
I purchase one of them coyote traps from TSC about 4 years ago and everything that gets in it gets out except the chickens and ducks.

The cage part itself is great but the door is flimsy, the rods that support the hatch door are made of aluminum and are easily bent.

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