Help me please! Silkie Roo is sick, but with what? hens too?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 19, 2009
Hi Everyone
I really need your advice. I read all your posts frequently, and hope someone can help me now. I have a beautiful silkie roo about 3 yrs old. He was always the top roo, the other being a sweet Brahma Big Ben - who was always afraid of Whitie.
But the other day, Ben really went after Whitie - with him tearing out feathers and poor Whitie screaming then he went into hiding.
Tonite I found Whitie hiding in a tree, and when i picked him up he threw up a whitish liquid. He seems listless and just not himself..All day he stayed away from his favorite ladies, which NEVER happens. There are over 20 hens, all different kinds - so plenty to share.
Is this just a turf war, or does Ben see something in Whitie's behavior that I don't? I brought him inside, he is in my care crate.
But he just seems sad.
There seems to be some raspy breathing in the coop with some of the group. I am going to scrub it out, I did give them all Gallimycin PFC two or three weeks ago. Didn't notice a change - I was going to give it one more run this week.
After 8 yrs, this is a first for me. I am totally vexed and concerned for my girls and two roos. Please, please, someone give me some insight.
Like everyone else - I can't really afford the $80 initial vet visit fee, with all the other fees as well. But if you think he needs to go, I will take him.
Thank you!
I'll do my best for you and your roo. Can you do a more complete timeline with when the respiratory issues started? Were these birds ever sick with cold like symptoms in the past? How long did you give the Gallimycin and what if anything else do you have for antibiotics?

First off, first guess is yes, they may have some kind of respiratory thing going on and may need an antibiotic, but if the first was given for a complete course it may be a fungal thing instead. Need more symptoms and the condition of the coop and weather. As for Whitie, I would think he got the crap scared out of him and it could be he's banged up a little bit. Vitamins and probiotics in his water would be good right now. Warmth and talk to him to let him know he's not alone and is still loved. Roos that get toppled can will themselves to death if left on their own.
Thank you so much for your reply! To be honest, I think the sounds started three months ago or so. I thought it was just a change of weather thing :( I have only done the Gall PFC once. When I got it at the Supply Shop, they said do it for 5 days, i made sure it was the only water they could get to. They said if the sounds continue to do another run of it. Coop is a converted shed 8x9 there are 24 birds
I am going to add more ventilation to it. I thought the two were enough, but maybe not??
There is a window facing the northwest .they free range during the day - 5am to dusk. Due to a large tree falling and mangling my fence, they are heading out all over the yard too. I am also dealing with leg mites too - another new panic for me. Is this because they can suddenly get to the front "lawn", where the wild birds are?
This winter was killer for me - so much snow and now the spring has been so wet, nothing I can do about the yard they are in, I don't heat the coop with so many birds, I just let the shavings build to help with the warmth.
As to symptoms, they sound like they are coughing, and a sneeze on occasion.
I feel like it is out of control....I am working two jobs, and try to take care of my girls...they are funny, smart, and sweet. And I am failing them.
Sorry, I realize I am rambling - but I am trying to think of all to give you. Does this help at all??? thank you again, you don't know how much i really appreciate it.
Mass right? I came from Rockland. Anyways, my opinions....lose the deep litter. I live in Maine now but our weather is very close. It is way too wet to be doing deep litter. yeah, I know, pain in the butt but think about switching to sand for the summer. Trust me, you'll be very happy you did. cleaner and doesn't allow mold and mildew to build up like deep litter would. Have you checked them over to make sure it's just leg mites? check after dark if you don't see anything during the daytime. Some only come out at night. If you switch to the sand litter, you can sprinkle that with Sevin dust and mix it in.

Where they have been showing respiratory symptoms for a while, I think you need to get them on an antibiotic soon. It sounds like an IB or I hate to say it maybe even an MG going through them. Treat as soon as possible to keep the disease down.
I was just reading about using sand the other day. I had never heard that before. I will do that immediately. Good to hear about the deep litter too, Ugh - my mind gets spinning with it. I will check for mites like you said. I have been using petrolium jelly on the legs, is that the best thing to do? I am sorry to be so stupid, what is an MG and an IB? Do I have to go to the doctor for antibiotics?? How is it given to them? I feel like I am new to chickens suddenly.
Thank you - you are my encyclopedia of chicken know how :)
I have someone willing to take Ben. Should I hold off on this? I know my neighbors would love him to go. Sweet but 4am he will start.
Sorry I have so many questions. No one around here to bounce this off of.
I was just reading about using sand the other day. I had never heard that before. I will do that immediately. Good to hear about the deep litter too, Ugh - my mind gets spinning with it. I will check for mites like you said. I have been using petrolium jelly on the legs, is that the best thing to do? I am sorry to be so stupid, what is an MG and an IB? Do I have to go to the doctor for antibiotics?? How is it given to them? I feel like I am new to chickens suddenly.
Thank you - you are my encyclopedia of chicken know how :)
I have someone willing to take Ben. Should I hold off on this? I know my neighbors would love him to go. Sweet but 4am he will start.
Sorry I have so many questions. No one around here to bounce this off of.
You're not stupid and there only one bad question....the one not asked.

IB is Infectious Brochitis, MG is Mycoplasma Gallisepticum. Both start off looking what we would call a cold. In birds, there is no such thing as a cold, instead they have diseases. These will stay with the chickens for the rest of their lives, even though the bird gets better, they will always carry the virus inside them and can start shedding the virus later and infect other birds. This could be months or years later or even never. It depends on how bad the outbreak is, the bird's immune system and how quickly you can help the bird get over it. Stress can bring it out when they are carriers.

For the legs, yes, petrolium jelly is good, so is Vicks vaporub. Bathing/soaking the legs can help as well, in between putting the petroleum jelly on them.

Antibiotics...are you in the US? If you are, any Tractor Supply will have what you need, even some farm supply stores should have the basics. I would wait to give him away until you figure out what is going on. Whomever takes him could be exposing their own flock to something they don't want.
Ugh...thanks. Tractor Supply is a chain? I am in MA - Stoughton.... I haven't heard of them, I have usually gone to the local farm supply store in Taunton or Bridgewater. I will go to there - and google Tractor Supply too.
I am trying to get all the birds with vicks - lol - I look crazy trying to do this at night, when they are sleeping; but doing this alone, I am trying to keep track, and hold, and smear. Good thing I love these guys :)
I will try to build a separate area then for Whitie and his girls - this might help him feel better? He is still inside, so quiet, I have been talking to him, holding him, even gave him a treat, which he doesn't want. This is making me so sad. He is such a wonderful little guy.
If you don't mind, I am going to pm my email address, I am so afraid I am going to lose this thread - I hope you don't mind that I am asking you so many questions. If you ever need baking advice, I am your girl! lol
As always, thank you so much for your help and sharing of information. You have been great!
Ugh...thanks. Tractor Supply is a chain? I am in MA - Stoughton.... I haven't heard of them, I have usually gone to the local farm supply store in Taunton or Bridgewater. I will go to there - and google Tractor Supply too.
I am trying to get all the birds with vicks - lol - I look crazy trying to do this at night, when they are sleeping; but doing this alone, I am trying to keep track, and hold, and smear. Good thing I love these guys :)
I will try to build a separate area then for Whitie and his girls - this might help him feel better? He is still inside, so quiet, I have been talking to him, holding him, even gave him a treat, which he doesn't want. This is making me so sad. He is such a wonderful little guy.
If you don't mind, I am going to pm my email address, I am so afraid I am going to lose this thread - I hope you don't mind that I am asking you so many questions. If you ever need baking advice, I am your girl! lol
As always, thank you so much for your help and sharing of information. You have been great!
From what I understand there is a TSC in Taunton, not sure where but I've been told by family still down there you have one.

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