Help me please!?


6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
I have my two ladies which were supposed to be buff rocks and oops! They are white rocks. I don't like the white rock and was going to trade them in. Should I? I wanted a barred rock and some other hen. Thinking an amuracana. Not to sure. Any thoughts? I love my chicks to death but I just really don't like the white chickens. Ugggghhhh TSc why did you do this to me?
I would just bring them back and say, "nope sorry wrong ones." they might even trade them and give you a refund? who knows?
Was thing about that. They said they would. What about my two new hens? What should I get?
How does this happen? don't they come from the hatchery in a labeled box? lol
The lady at TSC told me they were labeled as white rocks from the hatchery, and she at least knew that's not what they were. She looked through her inventory/order sheet, and said the only thing they orderred that it could be are SS's. At least she did pick a sign that did match what the chicks looked like cause SS and Welsummers look VERY similar as babies. I've been to TSC and have seen RIR signs on BR's, and that's way worse.

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