Help me predator proof my chicken run...


8 Years
Dec 18, 2014
B.C. Canada
So coyotes are a major problem in our area . Also dogs, weasels,skunks,raccoons... just looking for tips on how to make the run more predator proof. Hawks and eagles are a problem too but I plan to make it a covered run.

These were taken from Pinterest and I plan to dig up the ground and curve the fencing out to prevent digging....
... but is there any other things I could do?
I have not fences any of my backyard yet but I would just like to get some tips, experiences and ideas before I start.

I know there’s the idea of putting shock wire on the outside of the fence but I would like to refrain from doing that unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Electric wire have a way of changing what could be very persistent problems into ZERO problem ... Nothing I know will hang around after being zapped once ! They are relatively inexpensive , fairly easy to install and VERY effective and a great piece of mind ! Your chickens will thank you

I wouldn't rule out electric right off the bat , I installed 3 hot wires around an 800 sq ft run in about an hour
You have good planning ideas so far with wire fencing down in the ground for ground digging predators & wire fencing above for the flying predators.

We live in the woods/forest & have the same for my chickens, also have hot wire around everything. After losing all of my cherished chicken flock a couple of years ago to a sneaky bear & having to start the chickens all over again, we added the electric hot wire (white wire tape works best for us & can be seen easier) & have not had any more bear, coyote, dog or other problems for 2 years now. Within these last 2 years we had moved our flock next door into a mini barn/storage shed with a $99 pole carport (without roof cover, because of snow load damage) for the chicken yard; the whole carport is covered (sides & top) with 2" chicken wire, with a walk-in gate & the hot wire around. The big predators are still coming around in the dark nightly, but not near the hot wire. Best wishes to you, have fun with your chickens.
You don't need to bury the wire. It can just be placed on top of the ground and pinned down. Grass will grow over it and it'll be fine. Digging predators will go right to the vertical and try to dig. Once they hit the wire and are unable to get through they will give up. 1x2 welded wire is an excellent choice for the skirt. We chose to double layer the wire on the outside of our run. 2x4 welded wire with 1/2" hardware cloth inside of that. We have most all the same predators that you have and have had zero issues with this system.

I installed a electric wire around my pen top and bottom. Mine was strong enough to kill a grown coon that tried to get my ducks. No problems any more. And my ducks sleep at night now where they used to sleep a lot during the day.
We live in a wooded area. Not to jinx us but we haven't had a loss yet. We used 1/4 inch hardware cloth for the exposed coop and we also dug 1ft down and did a skirt 1ft around with the same cloth held it down with gravel we found on the property . We saw possum tracks in our first snow and caught a possum (we couldn't kill it... ) it has snowed ever since no tracks at all. Here is my best advice. Don't ever use chicken wire. Thats just to keep chickens in or out. Very misleading

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