Help! month old chicky critically sick/starving!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 2, 2015
there was symptoms yesterday; the chicky was trying to eat and drink, but she just pecked not far enough and would just get some air. today i found her on the floor of the chicken coop she is very inactive, eyes closed, feet curled up, and just sitting and going cheep cheep cheep, cheep cheep cheep very softly. i am feeding her wheat and water by hand right now and she is on the table wrapped up in cloth for warmth. what should i do, will she survive?
Did you have her under a heat lamp, or was she broody raised? Could be suffering from coccidiosis? Symptoms are lethargy, puffing up, diarrhea, poor appetite, and ruffled feathers. I would get her under a heat lamp, feed her some vitamin and electrolyte water , or add a teaspoon of sugar to some water for her. If you think she has cocci, get her on some Corid right away, since it is very common at this age.
she is broody raised, but we don't have her under a heat lamp though, i am feeding her wheat directly into her beak, and squirting tap water into her mouth regularly
Do you have chick crumbles or flock raiser instead of the wheat? How warm is it there? She still need some heat source from the broody or 75F. Is she passing poops with blood or diarrhea?
we have layer pallets and mash for laying hens, should i feed feed her that? and the temp here in New Zealand is about 68 Fahrenheit. Her poop is a normal brownish-whitish color that holds shape. we have another broody right now that's incubating a few eggs. should i put the chicky under her or will the temp be too high?
Layer feed has too much calcium for babies. They need chick crumbles or all flock crumbles. The whole flock can eat those until the chicks are older. The other broody could harm her or it could mess up her broodiness. Can you put her back with her mum? Is she drinking and eatikng well enough now?
Not much improvement...
she's still very weak and her eyes are closed, she has hardly any balance and i still have to feed her by a liquid dropper and I have to open her beak and put the wheat in, then she will swallow. I do this on regular intervals.
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Today she is improving a lot. she can take a few steps, her eyes are open. but she is now pooping watery or bloody poop. she can now eat without me having to put wheat in her beak but I still need to hold the food very close to her head or she misses the food and gets air or pecks my hand. I'm still not sure if she can drink normally without assistance so I still use the dropper.
Get her on some Corid or amprollium right away to treat her for coccidiosis. Bloody poop and diarrhea at this age is usually cocci. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. change water daily.
she is much better but we can't get Corid or amprollium it's just too much of a fuss for us. we are feeding her Diatomaceous Earth (DE powder which was lying around in our cupboard in her water and it seems to work. link here : She can now walk around but still needs assistance to feed. Maybe we can let her join the flock and get to her mom in two days.

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