Help! My australorp has stopped laying


May 2, 2015
Mountainburg Arkansas
I'm at a loss and any input or help I can get would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time raising chickens. I've had these hens since March and all of my hens have been laying consistently since 20 weeks of age. As of about 1 1/2 weeks ago, my australorp stopped laying. I just put baby chicks in a separate pen around that time and she seems to just stand and watch them. She isn't lethargic, she still eats but she doesn't get in the box anymore. She just stands in the corner of the pen and stares at the babies??? The babies were not hers, they were chicks I purchased from a hatchery. Could she be broody?
She's a pullet or hen? She's not broody as they sit on the nest all day excepting one or two breaks to eat and poop then back to nest. If a hen (over year old) then she likely is starting to molt. Seeing a lot of feathers lately? If she's a pullet then I've no idea why she stopped. May be the small disruption of new neighbors or not but certainly will start of laying again soon.
Maybe the new chicks did trip her 'broody button'.
Does she seem upset and want to get at them?
Does she do the broody buk-buk-buk calling to them?

I would be tempted to put her in with the chicks and see what happens...could be disastrous tho.
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