Help!!! My baby duck just dose not look right....


11 Years
Jun 2, 2011
Bellevue Idaho
Help!! I just got these baby ducks today and one of them dose not look right. She is quite, listless, dose not walk much and when she sits down (wich is most of the time) her legs stick of in front of her. Not out to the side, but just right in front of her. She also has a hard time getting around. They are only a few days old. What is wrong with her? Please help!!!!!

Aww sweet little things. Is she eating and drinking normally? What kind of food is she on? Is it medicated? From what I read - some ducks can handle the medicated feed and some cannot. And you never know who can until it happens. Is she alert otherwise?

Check the brooder temperature - give her a way to move to a cooler part (or warmer part) of the brooder.

How does she smell?

Do they have water at all times?

Did you get vitamins with them?

I would dip her bill in lukewarm fresh water, and give her vitamins. The best would be gro-gel, it is very good for all baby ducklings.

Please get back to us.

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