Help My Call Drake keeps getting his Penis attacked!


In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2015
United Kingdom
I have 11 Ducks in total Drakes and Ducks

Yesterday one of my Drakes had his Penis out in the pond and the other ducks starting attacking it as if they thought it was a worm or something and made it bleed.

Luckily I was there to separate him from the flock I put him in the duck house for a couple hours with some food and water.

I let him back out later on and everything was back to normal his Penis stayed in. I Thought Problem solved.

However this afternoon its started again.

He had his penis out in the pond again and the others were really going for it like a worm again, yet again made it bleed.

I kept the other ones away from him. but he stood in the corner of the enclosure facing the wall shaking.

When he poo's his Penis comes out with it.

It will go back in

But once its out , it is pulsating in and out. Since the others attacked him his penis has gone a deep purple bruised colour.

I have been told if his Penis doesn't go back in he will have to be culled.

I really don't want this to happen as I have raised him since hatching from the egg.

He is only about 4 months old. I feel really sorry for him


Lauren from UK
Hemorrhoid cream can work and a sugar water soak to reduce swelling, but if it was was bleeding you should consider antibiotic treatment too.....
poor baby :( I don't have much experience with this at all but I've been reading up on it a lot here on BYC because I've started noticing my drake will have his penis out for a second occasionally. From what I've read, you may want to bring him inside and let him swim in a clean bath tub if at all possible, in cool water to help the swelling and bruising. I'd also keep him separated from the other ducks for a while to give him some time to heal. If his penis is ever out and won't go back in, you want to make sure it's clean and you can use some sterile lubricant such as KY to help get it back in. If you have an avian vet, you might want to call and ask what they think you should do.

As long as you keep him clean and make sure he doesn't get an infection, I really don't think he will need to be culled. I've heard that, worst case scenario, a vet can remove part of the penis if need be and your drake can still have a healthy, happy life. The main thing you want to avoid is an infection. I'll tag a couple people that always have great advice on the message boards here so they'll see this post and hopefully be able to help you! Hope your boy is feeling better soon!! @[@]Amiga[/@]
Storey's Guide has a brief section in diseases and injuries chapter o phallus prolapse you may want to read. You do not have to cull him but he need treatment and care, like keeping him away from females for a while.

I am on the road - please bear with me. Limited online time and equipment.
Thanks for all your help and advice so far guys.

We are keeping him separated from his friends at the moment. to be honest we were both a little soft last night and we brought him in the house in our utility room and put him in a very large plastic box and put him a towel to sit on overnight. obviously. We are trying to make him as comfortable as possible as you can tell he's in discomfort .

Little guy just wants to be cuddled all the time.

Im worried he's not eating properly though, All day today he's had a small handful of mealworms and thats it :/

His penis is now permantly out, Very deep purple now with bits of white on it? I hope thats not infection??

Today he has been in our garage sitting on brand new kitchen lino with a tray of water and his feeders.

He's not very active at the moment he prefers just standing or sitting in one place, he will prune his feathers and stretch his wings every so often..

He is pooing clear liquid and when he does so his Penis comes out with it. It must be hurting him as he pinches that area and his Penis bobs up and down.

Im considering him taking him to our vet on Monday but I have no idea if my vet has every dealt with ducks before.

Lauren from UK
I'm looking at my copy of Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks and there's a section on phallus prostration. He says the duck should be isolated immediately & the organ should be washed with clean, warm water then disinfected and treated with a medicated ointment. You can try pushing the penis back into place but it will often pop back out. If this happens, apply the ointment daily until he is fully recovered, which could take weeks or longer. The drake should not be allowed to mate for at least 3 months.

I'm not sure what ointment you want to use, I've read about people using Neosporin on duck injuries but you want to make sure it doesn't have any type of pain relief medication added to it, just use the original kind.

I'd definitely try to get him to the vet if I were you, here in the states I have to take my ducks to a specialist avian vet but not sure how that works in the UK. If anything, hopefully your vet can recommend a good avian vet for you if they don't treat ducks. Good luck!! Really hoping your boy is feeling better soon. I'd just keep feeding him mealworms or treats he likes so he's at least getting some nutrition. :)
I agree with duck mom

If you google exotic vets in your area they take ducks and will probably be able to help . I have heard of one case where a male duck has been neutered but I don't know the details just ask your vet about it if they do take duck

Praying for him
A good duck vet is best. That is not the color of healthy flesh - he may need to have the tissue removed, and I feel infection is a big risk. As in, very likely. So I would get oral antibiotics started right away.

You may need to learn how to tube feed him, or find something he will eat.

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