HELP!!!! My chick has something wierd coming out of it's bottom.


6 Years
Oct 5, 2013
My chick that just hatched has stuff coming out of its bottom, and is acting wierd. There might be something wrong in the feet too. The stuff coming out started as a little red ball, and now it has spread. It is kind of yellowish, with red veins. the veins are bleeding, and I want to know if this is fatal, or if it still can be saved. PLEASE RESPOND QUICKLY!!!!
and there is blood all over the incubator now. There is also this whitish stuff. My other two new chicks were pecking at it, so we removed those. What should I do, or is there anything to do?
From what you describe it sounds as if the chick has hatched without absorbing all of the yolk first. I have had a couple like this over the years and in every case I have had to put the chick to sleep. I wish I could have better news but I believe this is what you are seeing.
The blood you are seeing is from a haemorrhage and the chick will have lost quite a lot of its blood and this could prove fatal alone. Sorry.
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Have you got someting to stop the bleeding? Use a little cotton swab with COLD water to stop the bleeding !
I have the same problem with my Duckling and I bought a disinfectant that does not burn. I spray on it and It will fall in some days! He is very ative now and has no problems at all!
Be sure togive your chick some water with sugar that will really help him out!!
He made it through the night, and the bloody stuff is a lot smaller. Should I still clean it off, cause I seriously think it is the yoke sac. I can see poop, and the stuff is not coming from there.
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He made it through the night, and the bloody stuff is a lot smaller. Should I still clean it off, cause I seriously think it is the yoke sac.
I am very happy to hear he is alive!
Buy something to disinfect the wound. I got OCTENISEPT that is for animals too and it does not hurt it like other disinfectant .Just ask at your pharmacy !
It will get hard and will fall off in some days.
Is it weak? If yes, give him some water and sugar , that will help
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he is still in the bator, because we only have one heat lamp as of now. We'll be getting more supplies today. The feet problem resolved itself, but it still has this blob haning of the back. I hope it survives...
the chick is now in a private box with access to sugar water. I have tried to wipe the stuff off with a q-tip, but it is stuck. The white stuff I think is poop. It is walking around now.

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