HELP!!!! My chick has something wierd coming out of it's bottom.

chick is lying on the ground, very weak looking. I dabble it's beak in sugar water every few minutes. this is so sad.
chick is lying on the ground, very weak looking. I dabble it's beak in sugar water every few minutes. this is so sad.

Did he drink it?
If he is not even a day old I think its normal..
my duckling stayed on the ground for 2 full days untill it started to move more..
How is the 'yolk' now? It should get black and dry...
it struggles when I pick it up, but will open it's beak when I lift it out of the sugar water. It is shivering now. Should I just put it down, or does it still have a chance?
it struggles when I pick it up, but will open it's beak when I lift it out of the sugar water. It is shivering now. Should I just put it down, or does it still have a chance?
I would not give up yet... just keep it warm and see what happens!
If he dies at least you gave it a chance
So sorry to hear that your chick died. I get one of these situations at least once every season and I am not sure what causes it given that I hatch a few hundred chicks and the others tend to hatch very well. In every case the chicks have been small and weak so it could be a developmental thing. Like the rest of us, we put this sort of thing down to experience and learn from it.
I did not take a picture. At the time my only thought was to get it out of the box as soon as possible. It convulsed several times, and when I checked on it again it was dead. Very sad, but I know it was better that way, because it really was not great at all.

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