Help!!! My chicken layed a soft-shelled premature egg


15 Years
Mar 12, 2009
I went to check on my hens this morning and saw my RIR picking at a soft shell egg. It looked like the shell didn't completely form around the egg. The yolk and white looked fine, not pale or watery.

I first thought it was stress. My Red Star had been picked on by the others lately. But she is on the nest right now. So, it wasn't her. I am pretty sure that it was my RIR.

They do get oyster shell, yogurt and extra calcium pwder in their feed, except for the last few days. I have been lax on giving them extra oyster shell and yogurt.

They were laying solid shell eggs up until today. None of them look sick. But my RIR's abdomen seemed a bit more swollen.

What could be wrong?

Thank you
I have had one of mine lay more than one soft shell, and once no shell at all. But the next day all eggs were fine. I would just keep an eye on the situation and see if it continues. If it does continue then try and single out which one it is and give them a good look over you know check crop, comb discoloration, any signs of mites etc. Chickens are odd sometimes and just lay a weird egg, just keep checkin I'm sure they will straighten out.

edited for spelling.
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I have read on here that can sometimes be caused by lack of calcium and they add oyster shell or a crushed tums but you would have to find out which hen it is.
Ol'FashionHen :

I have had one of mine lay more than one soft shell, and once no shell at all. But the next day all eggs were fine. I would just keep an eye on the situation and see if it continues. If it does continue then try and single out which one it is and give them a good look over you know check crop, comb discoloration, any signs of mites etc. Chickens are odd sometimes and just lay a weird egg, just keep checkin I'm sure they will straighten out.

edited for spelling.

I figured out which one layed the egg. She seems perfectly fine. Her abdomen is now normal, she is eating, drinking, screaming (she can be a drama queen) and running around as if nothing happened. I think it is probably stress or some type of fluke. I am giving them more calcium and nutritional supplements.

Thank You
It sounds like Egg bound. You can take her to a vet, and they could crush the egg inside her. If it is egg bound, and you dont take her to the vet, she will die a very slow and very, painful death. Dont put her through that. Better safe then sorry
Re: oyster shell, have it available 24/7, separate from their food so they can choose the amount they need and when they need it.
I put oyster shells out for my girls and they ignore them. Can't figure that out.

Crushed (washed and dried) eggs shells are good too, if your girls don't like oyster shells. I mix the shells with their treats and yogurt in the evening and the gobble it right up.
She is still completely normal today. No, premature egg in her crate this morning. I am hoping she lays a normal egg today.

I am pretty sure now that she is not egg bound. The egg she layed was complete (there was a yolk, white and shell) and was normal sized. The shell was not completely around the egg. It looked as if she got up to eat and layed an egg a few hours earlier. She is acting normal. Her abdomian is not swollen. She is bright, alert and very active.

I am hoping that something just startled her that morning. Our cat that is usually locked up at night was running around. He loves to tease the chickens.

had a wierd episode like this myself.
my EE layed a soft shelled egg a couple of times and then straightened right up.
my RIR layed this strange egg like thing that looked like layers of hardboiled egg with no shell. then i believe she stopped laying. she is 3 1/2. i was really worried, but she has been fine for months, eats, drinks, poops and runs the show as normal.

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