Help my Duck has a broken leg


5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
I had one of my ducks come up missing last week and looked and looked for her and couldn't find her! I go outside this evening from work to clean up back pasture so the DH can bulldoze some trees down and there she was laying out by a tree just as happy as ever to see me. The only problem is she can't walk her left leg is swollen at the knee and tucked in she can't extend it! What do I do, the nearest avian vet is 4 hrs away!
You need to get her in a small area where she just lays around and doesn't use it. A dog cage or crate or rabbit cage works best. Let her rest and don't push her to do anything, then start with some therapy swims in a bathtub or something. Are you sure it's broken? If it is I'm not sure how to handle that, but this is the method I use with injuries that aren't breaks.
Take a good look at the leg, feel it, compare it to the other. Look at the bottom, see if there is a bite, a wound, any infection. Is the leg noticeably warmer than the other?

I would go ahead and get her into a lukewarm tub of water deep enough to float in, and do not leave her unattended.

There could be something wrapped around the leg, even high up on the leg near the body.

Is she eating, drinking?

I would make an Epsom salt compress and wrap the leg and the foot for ten to fifteen minutes at a time, three times a day. If it were me I would also dab a tiny bit of Traumeel on the foot and leg and massage it in.

Look over for any other hidden injuries - under the wings, near the vent - if she tangled with something she could have more than one injury. If you see puncture wounds, clip feathers away from the wound site and clean them with soap and water, or some betadyne and water. Vetericyn is a nice product to have to prevent infection. Be on the lookout for infection, you may need to get some antibiotics from a feed store.
My Rouen had a broken leg and I put a splint on it and confined him for a few weeks. Now he is doing great. He limps a little but it doesn't slow him down. Good luck!
It's swollen right where the feathers are... Se uses it to scratch her face but for nothing else I just got a box of Popsicles but forgot frikn tape so that's on the agenda tomorrow

When I move it around it moves just like the other leg but it's limp
It's swollen right where the feathers are... Se uses it to scratch her face but for nothing else I just got a box of Popsicles but forgot frikn tape so that's on the agenda tomorrow
When I move it around it moves just like the other leg but it's limp
Vet wrap is a wonderful thing to have and use - just remember, nothing too tight. Thinking of you...

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