Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

Hi all, @Wyorp Rock & @Eggcessive

Please help with next steps...

I think I want to do the following, but I'm not sure in what order, and if I should vomit her first....
1. treat her crop with nystatin or monistat,
2. continue with the Bactrim,
3. worm her with Safeguard paste.

Since her crop is pretty full now with the rainwater (and she hasn't pooped that I can see) would it make sense to vomit her first so that the vet's meds, safeguard and nystatin can get in there and work their way down? I think I can do that carefully... and then get some fluids back into her?

@BugStalker suggested bathing her in epsom salts, given what you all know now, and the treatment plan, should I do that, or would that have only been for egg binding issues?

Oh! one more thing I remembered after reading something about changing feeds and crop issues: A neighbor gave me some nice organic mash for Blondie, and Penny REALLY took to it and was eating it non-stop for days! I'm wondering if that could have started this whole problem?
Hi all, @Wyorp Rock & @Eggcessive

Please help with next steps...

I think I want to do the following, but I'm not sure in what order, and if I should vomit her first....
1. treat her crop with nystatin or monistat,
2. continue with the Bactrim,
3. worm her with Safeguard paste.

Since her crop is pretty full now with the rainwater (and she hasn't pooped that I can see) would it make sense to vomit her first so that the vet's meds, safeguard and nystatin can get in there and work their way down? I think I can do that carefully... and then get some fluids back into her?

@BugStalker suggested bathing her in epsom salts, given what you all know now, and the treatment plan, should I do that, or would that have only been for egg binding issues?

Oh! one more thing I remembered after reading something about changing feeds and crop issues: A neighbor gave me some nice organic mash for Blondie, and Penny REALLY took to it and was eating it non-stop for days! I'm wondering if that could have started this whole problem?
@Pghelp suggested the bath. I have given a bath for egg binding but not for just digestion. It helps me, though, so I could see it helping a chicken, but it could also be risky, so be careful if you try it.

I have some experience with nystatin. I now usually start with coconut oil, and don't usually need nystatin. If I do use it, I gradually increase the amount given, and gradually reduce it after, watching to be sure it doesn't come back.

These things can start as diet changes that are too abrupt for their system to handle, even if it's their idea. Other factors can take hold that they aren't expecting.
How old is she, and what is her breed? I don't like that her poop is so green-looking, either. I wonder if she isn't dealing with multiple issues at once.

EDIT; I reread and saw that she's 6 years old, and the last bird died of Mareks. Someone that I follow online says they had an EE develop ovarian cancer. She stopped eating and started passing watery, green poops in response to cancer. The poop from your birds looks super similar to this poop.



  • cancer poop.PNG
    cancer poop.PNG
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Another thing I do for digestion is massage, not just their crop, but gently on their muscles they usually move throughout the day that help digestion and their body around the intestines and such. I don't always see it help, but sometimes it seems like it does. Don't do it if it stresses her out, though, it has to be calming, or it likely won't help.

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