Help! My little showgirl silkie is lethargic picture below


8 Years
Jun 23, 2015
always thought this was food goop crust but now I’m thinking it’s far worse. Mites?? She started being lethargic today. Was thinking coccidiosis , now this. She is separated from the rest inside the house. She is just sitting there. I occasionally give her drops of water with Corid and nutridrench electrolytes. But she’s not doing anything on her own.
She was fine yesterday. Any help would be appreciated!!
Oh kriminy!
She’s in her own area now , I’ll clean them off her.
How can I sustain her while she’s feeling low? Mash? Force feed? Nutridrench yes no? I feel like she needs it and I’ll dismiss Corid
Thanks for any help I’m so new to mites I or whatever this is!

Of course I’m flying to Florida in the morning ! 😩
Oh kriminy!
She’s in her own area now , I’ll clean them off her.
How can I sustain her while she’s feeling low? Mash? Force feed? Nutridrench yes no? I feel like she needs it and I’ll dismiss Corid
Thanks for any help I’m so new to mites I or whatever this is!

Of course I’m flying to Florida in the morning ! 😩
Is she eating at all? Nutridrench should be fine. A mash is fine if she'll eat it.

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