
7 Years
Aug 20, 2012
Hi everyone, I was just wondering what's wrong with my little silkie, well she's not so little anymore maybe about 6 months but anyway so today I went up to feed my girls and realized Josie didn't come up to the door like the other t stayed put. So I went into the coop thinking she was Broody but she got up a limped to the edge of the cage. I sent over to her to look at her foot that she was dragging along, it didn't look like it was facing the wrong way or bleeding, anything like that she didn't have. So later that day I school I asked my chicken friend and she said she might have twisted it. I'm not sure but all help would be great.
General advice with a break or sprain is to keep the bird in a small area where it is safe from others. Mostly it's a break if she can't put weight on it, but a bad tendon slip/strain or tear can present the same. If the leg's loose in movement it's a break or dislocation. Likely break. If you find out whether or not it's a sprain of break you'll know what to do next. Splints are pretty easy to apply if necessary. There would probably be some info in these forums about them. If the leg maintains normal range of movement but she isn't using it, then it's likely a tendon issue. But you need to find out for sure before you try to treat, if she even needs treatment.
Best wishes.
Thank you so much I thought is was red mite but then the others would be limping to, she goes to walk on it but limps and walks on the other foot :/
The fact that she's trying to walk on it at all, and manages a limp, suggests it might not be a break. Rest and some TLC should help. All the best. Hope she recovers.
I haven't taken her out of the coop only because its really cold here and without the others for warmth she could freeze but I have a like an old rabbit hutch ( two story ) so I but a bunch if hay up the top, food and water for her and she's been up there all day just sleeping and resting so I am hoping jess recovering.

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