Help my momma isn't keeping her eggs warm

On top of the stove?! That's probably going to be too warm. They need a temp of about 99*, which is just slightly warmer than human body temp. The other issue is humidity. Hatching eggs need a humid environment to successfully hatch. Too dry and the membranes will shrink wrap the chick, preventing it from being able to move enough to hatch.
The top of the stove never gets to hot to touch.
Be sure to turn them & keep the temp at 99°

No, you don't need to turn them since they're at lock down.. I'd suggest putting them into a container with a heat lamp over it at about between 99° and 102° and a towel under the eggs to stop the from rolling all over the place. I'd also put a small cup or lid of water in there for humidity.

I'm proud to say we have had one of our eggs hatch
When the chick pipped a hole this morning I placed a damp wash cloth in the basket and I hung a heat lamp over top


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