Help my neighbor's dogs just killed my duck

I've caught the dogs before but I never even thought to take them to the pound instead of back home. That's a great idea. I called the police first but they said they couldn't do anything and directed me to animal control who also said they couldn't do anything. The only problem I have with the traps is that the dogs would probably ignore them in favor of going after the chickens/duck. Will a food trap be enticing enough to get their attention?
It might!
Try a pan with milk in it and laxative powder
hot dogs, stuff a laxative pill or two or three in them (or any meat should suffice)

And do as you said before, call the police and see if you can file a report or complaint. Even if they can't do anything about it, tell them you want it on record.They should be able to do that for you even if it seem stupid or silly to them
You said they go after anything and anyone. If you start pushing the scared for your own safety angle (or your kids is even better if you have some) you may find that authorities pay more attention than if you are only worried about poultry.

Sad poultry seems to rate so low with people but even if that is your real priority I would go all out and be terrified they will attack your kids/ nieces/grand kids whatever. Just use what you have to to make them listen.
I've had to beat the dogs with a stick to get them away from me before but the police said they needed to see a bite mark to prove anything. The stick didn't even stop them, they only stopped when they saw the chickens and went after them instead. Like you said, I feel like the police just don't take me seriously because of the poultry.
It might!
Try a pan with milk in it and laxative powder
hot dogs, stuff a laxative pill or two or three in them (or any meat should suffice)

And do as you said before, call the police and see if you can file a report or complaint. Even if they can't do anything about it, tell them you want it on record.They should be able to do that for you even if it seem stupid or silly to them
I'll try that, thank you! I'm going to keep filing reports on these dogs too.
I'll try that, thank you! I'm going to keep filing reports on these dogs too.
Good luck. Please keep us posted on how it goes for you!
And be sure to try to keep yourself and family safe, especially if these are aggressive dogs which it sounds they are! It's so sad that an actual bite is the only thing that will "interest" the cops in your case. You wouldn't think that it would have to go that far for you to be taken seriously! It's so wrong...
Good luck. Please keep us posted on how it goes for you!
And be sure to try to keep yourself and family safe, especially if these are aggressive dogs which it sounds they are! It's so sad that an actual bite is the only thing that will "interest" the cops in your case. You wouldn't think that it would have to go that far for you to be taken seriously! It's so wrong...
I will keep you guys posted. Thank you so much for all your help! I wonder if it's because it's a small town, but the cops really don't care. One time when the dogs were in my yard I called the cops and told them that they were going after my animals, they had killed my animals before, they are extremely vicious, but it took the cops over an hour to show up (the dogs were running amuck in my yard the whole time) and when they arrived they literally asked me what I expected them to do about it. It's so frustrating!
I don't know where you are, but some states pepper spray is legal as is a taser..........if the dogs get a couple of shots from a taser or even pepper spray they may decide your yard is not as appealing as it once was. Meanwhile, file a report for every incident, the cops will soon get fed up, Sue
I don't know where you are, but some states pepper spray is legal as is a taser..........if the dogs get a couple of shots from a taser or even pepper spray they may decide your yard is not as appealing as it once was. Meanwhile, file a report for every incident, the cops will soon get fed up, Sue
Oh that's an excellent idea! I can get pepper spray for like $15 at Dicks Sporting Goods.
Oh that's an excellent idea! I can get pepper spray for like $15 at Dicks Sporting Goods.

Buy lots!!!
I've had to beat the dogs with a stick to get them away from me before but the police said they needed to see a bite mark to prove anything. The stick didn't even stop them, they only stopped when they saw the chickens and went after them instead. Like you said, I feel like the police just don't take me seriously because of the poultry.

Oh wow that is scary. You should be able to feel safe in your own yard. Your animal control is crazy.

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