Help! My new chicks gone missing!


In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2017
Just got 2 new chickens 22 weeks old have had them for 5 days now....first time today let them out with other chickens to free range .... Was gone for about hour and they're no where to be found! The others stay pretty much within sight on our property 4 acres.....don't know if I should begin looking in the woods behind our property...any suggestions???
Just got 2 new chickens 22 weeks old have had them for 5 days now....first time today let them out with other chickens to free range .... Was gone for about hour and they're no where to be found! The others stay pretty much within sight on our property 4 acres.....don't know if I should begin looking in the woods behind our property...any suggestions???
Do you have neighbors near? One of mine got out into a neighbors back yard they called Metro. Might call metro and see if someone reported them. Still makes me laugh thinking about my neighbors coming home to a chicken in there back yard thinking how in the heck did this happen :lau we lucked out My husband came home just in time to see the metro guy carrying our chicken to his truck. I would not have even guessed to call metro.
When I feed my chickens treats I make a distinct sound that they come running to. Have you done this with yours might go out into the woods and try to brib them with food if they recognize you with food
Good luck
If they are hiding,they usually don't go in the woods too far.
Look under brush,or bushes. Think small and cover.
looked everywhere....drove around neighborhood bc heard dogs barking chickens....I always make same sound when giving them treats ...nothing! I'm leaving gate to coop open hoping they return...a RIR and Barred rock...I'm devastated
Try putting a portable light/lantern at the entrance to the coop. Often times birds will return at dusk, the light will help attract them to the coop. I had some fly out due to a hawk attack and could not find them anywhere, they returned at dusk. Hope they come back!! Good luck.
Great idea! I will be placing a light in front of the coop for the night...

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