HELP!!! my pekin drake lost his manlyhood

poultry bro

5 Years
Oct 4, 2014
My pekin drake was lying in his coop last night which was unusual and I noticed his vent area had blood around it upon closer inspection I realized his penis had come out of his vent and it had been partially been bitten off I assume it was by another drake but I have no idea how to treat it or if I should just put him in the freezer either way I need advice on what to do he has acted fine all day with the rest of the flock and they haven't bothered him at all he looks fine and he isn't bleeding anymore but his penis was hanging out again so I shoved it back in his vent and I hope it heals ok I need help and any advice would be greatly appreciated
My pekin drake was lying in his coop last night which was unusual and I noticed his vent area had blood around it upon closer inspection I realized his penis had come out of his vent and it had been partially been bitten off I assume it was by another drake but I have no idea how to treat it or if I should just put him in the freezer either way I need advice on what to do he has acted fine all day with the rest of the flock and they haven't bothered him at all he looks fine and he isn't bleeding anymore but his penis was hanging out again so I shoved it back in his vent and I hope it heals ok I need help and any advice would be greatly appreciated
I'd make sure to wash the area real well to clean any nasty stuff he may have picked up while it was out then use k y jelly or some other kind of lubercant even Vit E or Prep H keep putting it inside if it comes back out and watch for infection. He needs to be kept away from the girls so he won't be mating with them which will keep it from healing.
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I don't think they pass anything through the phallus (penis). In fact, I think the semen may travel on the outside of it, if I recall...

Just being closer to females will stir up his hormones - that's why you want him away from the girls - and I suspect it was drakes that messed with him, though I cannot be sure.

How many drakes do you have?

Keep it clean, I cannot emphasize that enough. Another reason to have him separated. Saline solution is a good antibacterial - not too strong. But frequent rinsing till it can be retracted.

A vet would be best in this case.

But folks do get their drakes through this situation successfully.
He is now in the barn next to one of my hens and her chicks he has been drinking and I put medicine on his penis and had to put it back in his vent again but he did expel something that looks like urine so I guess that's good and after he did I had to put his penis back again cuz it came out so I don't know if he cant retract it or what but he seems to be ok otherwise and he is still acting completely normal but I did manage to soak his penis in some water and he let it come out completely so I got to see the damage and besides the tip it doesn't look to severe I hope he will pull through and he always will have fresh bedding.
I agree with Miss Lydia. He may have been attacked by another drake or drakes. How many of each in your flock? Cleaning that area up is important - drakes can live through this, but infection is a concern - hygiene makes a huge difference.

I would keep him by himself in sick bay for a few days at least. I would let him float in a tub of lukewarm water and see if he can retract it after a day or two.
Or thx for the advice but he isn't mating yet he isn't old enough and I think the other drakes keep him from it anyway cuz he is the less dominant and the females chase him away but I will look in to the lubricant my biggest question is can he survive with his penis shredded and mangled like that and its shorter than it used to be I also am wondering if ducks urinate out of it or if it is just for mating and can he ever mate again and will it heal up to where he wont be able to pass anything through it.
thank you so much for all the help I have 3 drakes including my pekin and a Swedish blue and a mallard I have struggled to keep his penis inside his vent but it seems to have stayed inside all I can do is wait and see is it heals I guess if not I will just butcher him as a last resort

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